bool isPrime( long ); // the number is prime and return true, else return
long gcd( long a, long b); // find a number which the two number a and
b divide exactly.
long publicKey( long p, long q); // using p, q to calculate the public
key e.
long privateKey( long e, long Qn); // using e ,Qn to calculate the
private key d.
long generKey( const long p, const long q, long * pubKey, long *
priKey); // get the public key and private key. And return n = pq.
char encode(char *,long n,long pubKey); // encode the Text
char * decode(char *,long n,long priKey); // decode the Text which has been
long encode( long , long n, long pubKey); // encode the Text
long decode( long , long n, long priKey); // decode the Text which
has been encoded.
int main()
kStart.gif) ![](
ContractedBlock.gif) … {
long p,q;
long pubKey ;
long priKey ;
bool pass = true ;
while (pass)
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) … {
cout << " input two prime numbers! and the two numbers are bigger than two
!! " << endl;
bool isPrime( long a)
kStart.gif) ![](
ContractedBlock.gif) … {
if (a > 2 )
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) … {
int b = 2 ,c = sqrt(a);
for (; b < c; b ++ )
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) … {
long gcd( long a, long b)
kStart.gif) ![](
ContractedBlock.gif) … {
long publicKey( const long p, const long q, const long Qn)
kStart.gif) ![](
ContractedBlock.gif) … {
if (e >= Qn)
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) … {
e = 3 ;
lockEnd.gif) }
lockEnd.gif) }
long privateKey( const long e, const long Qn)
kStart.gif) ![](
ContractedBlock.gif) … {
srand(time( 0 ));
long d = rand();
if (d >= Qn)
d = 3 ;
while (e * d % Qn != 1 || e == d)
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) … {
d ++ ;
if (d >= Qn)
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) … {
d = 3 ;
lockEnd.gif) }
lockEnd.gif) }
long generKey( const long p, const long q, long * pubKey, long *
kStart.gif) ![](
ContractedBlock.gif) … {
long encode( long num, long n, long pubKey)
kStart.gif) ![](
ContractedBlock.gif) … {
long tmp = 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pubKey; i ++ )
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) … {
long decode( long num, long n, long priKey)
kStart.gif) ![](
ContractedBlock.gif) … {
long tmp = 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < priKey; i ++ )
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) … {
* This class is a generic framework for a flexible, multi-threaded server.
* It listens on any number of specified ports, and, when it receives a
* connection on a port, passes input and output streams to a specified Service
* object which provides the actual service. It can limit the number of
* concurrent connections, and logs activity to a specified stream.
kEnd.gif) * /
kStart.gif) ![](
ContractedBlock.gif) public class Server … {
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) /* / /*
* A main() method for running the server as a standalone program. The
* command-line arguments to the program should be pairs of servicenames
* and port numbers. For each pair, the program will dynamically load the
* named Service class, instantiate it, and tell the server to provide
* that Service on the specified port. The special -control argument
* should be followed by a password and port, and will start special
* server control service running on the specified port, protected by the
* This constructor added to support logging with the Java 1.4 Logger class
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public Server(Logger logger, Level logLevel, int
maxConnections) … {
this (maxConnections);
setLogger(logger, logLevel);
log( " Starting server " );
lockEnd.gif) }
* This constructor supports no logging
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public Server( int maxConnections) … {
threadGroup = new ThreadGroup(Server. class .getName());
this .maxConnections = maxConnections;
services = new HashMap();
connections = new HashSet(maxConnections);
lockEnd.gif) }
* This method makes the server start providing a new service.
* It runs the specified Service object on the specified port.
lockEnd.gif) * /
public synchronized void addService(Service service, int port)
* This method makes the server stop providing a service on a port.
* It does not terminate any pending connections to that service, merely
* causes the server to stop accepting new connections
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public synchronized void removeService( int
port) … {
Integer key = new Integer(port); // hashtable key
// Look up the Listener object for the port in the hashtable
final Listener listener = (Listener) services.get(key);
if (listener == null ) return ;
// Ask the listener to stop
// Remove it from the hashtable
// And log it.
log( " Stopping service " + listener.service.getClass().getName() +
" on port " + port);
lockEnd.gif) }
* This nested Thread subclass is a “listener”. It listens for
* connections on a specified port (using a ServerSocket) and when it gets
* a connection request, it calls the servers addConnection() method to
* accept (or reject) the connection. There is one Listener for each
* Service being provided by the Server.
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public class Listener extends Thread … {
ServerSocket listen_socket; // The socket to listen for connections
int port; // The port we’re listening on
Service service; // The service to provide on that port
volatile boolean stop = false ; // Whether we’ve been asked to stop
* The Listener constructor creates a thread for itself in the
* threadgroup. It creates a ServerSocket to listen for connections
* on the specified port. It arranges for the ServerSocket to be
* interruptible, so that services can be removed from the server.
lockEnd.gif) * /
public Listener(ThreadGroup group, int port, Service service)
// If the connection limit has been reached
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) if (connections.size() >= maxConnections) …
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) try … {
// Then tell the client it is being rejected.
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream());
out.print( " Connection refused; " +
" the server is busy; please try again later. " );
// And close the connection to the rejected client.
// And log it, of course
log( " Connection refused to " +
s.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() +
" : " + s.getPort() + " : max connections reached. " );
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) } catch (IOException e) … {log(e);}
lockEnd.gif) }
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) else … { // Otherwise, if the limit has not
been reached
// Create a Connection thread to handle this connection
* A Connection thread calls this method just before it exits. It removes
* the specified Connection from the set of connections.
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) protected synchronized void
endConnection(Connection c) … {
* This method displays status information about the server on the
* specified stream. It can be used for debugging, and is used by the
* Control service later in this example.
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public synchronized void
displayStatus(PrintWriter out) … {
// Display a list of all Services that are being provided
* This is the body of each and every Connection thread.
* All it does is pass the client input and output streams to the
* serve() method of the specified Service object. That method is
* responsible for reading from and writing to those streams to
* provide the actual service. Recall that the Service object has
* been passed from the Server.addService() method to a Listener
* object to the addConnection() method to this Connection object, and
* is now finally being used to provide the service. Note that just
* before this thread exits it always calls the endConnection() method
* to remove itself from the set of connections
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public void run() … {
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) try … {
* Here is the Service interface that we have seen so much of. It defines
* only a single method which is invoked to provide the service. serve()
* will be passed an input stream and an output stream to the client. It
* should do whatever it wants with them, and should close them before
* returning.
* All connections through the same port to this service share a single
* Service object. Thus, any state local to an individual connection must
* be stored in local variables within the serve() method. State that
* should be global to all connections on the same port should be stored
* in instance variables of the Service class. If the same Service is
* running on more than one port, there will typically be different
* Service instances for each port. Data that should be global to all
* connections on any port should be stored in static variables.
* Note that implementations of this interface must have a no-argument
* constructor if they are to be dynamically instantiated by the main()
* method of the Server class.
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public interface Service … {
public void serve(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException;
lockEnd.gif) }
* A very simple service. It displays the current time on the server
* to the client, and closes the connection.
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public static class Time implements Service
… {
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public void serve(InputStream i, OutputStream o)
throws IOException … {
* This is another example service. It reads lines of input from the
* client, and sends them back, reversed. It also displays a welcome
* message and instructions, and closes the connection when the user
* enters a ‘.’ on a line by itself.
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public static class Reverse implements Service
… {
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public void serve(InputStream i, OutputStream o)
throws IOException … {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(i));
PrintWriter out =
new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(o)));
out.print( " Welcome to the line reversal server. " );
out.print( " Enter lines. End with a ‘.’ on a line by itself. " );
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) for (;😉 … {
* This service demonstrates how to maintain state across connections by
* saving it in instance variables and using synchronized access to those
* variables. It maintains a count of how many clients have connected and
* tells each client what number it is
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public static class UniqueID implements
Service … {
public int id = 0 ;
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public synchronized int nextId() … { return
id ++ ; }
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public void serve(InputStream i, OutputStream o)
throws IOException … {
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(o);
out.print( " You are client #: " + nextId() + " " );
* This is a non-trivial service. It implements a command-based protocol
* that gives password-protected runtime control over the operation of the
* server. See the main() method of the Server class to see how this
* service is started.
* The recognized commands are:
* password: give password; authorization is required for most commands
* add: dynamically add a named service on a specified port
* remove: dynamically remove the service running on a specified port
* max: change the current maximum connection limit.
* status: display current services, connections, and connection limit
* help: display a help message
* quit: disconnect
* This service displays a prompt, and sends all of its output to the user
* in capital letters. Only one client is allowed to connect to this
* service at a time.
lockEnd.gif) * /
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) public static class Control implements Service
… {
Server server; // The server we control
String password; // The password we require
boolean connected = false ; // Whether a client is already connected
// This is the main loop: read a command, parse it, and handle it
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) for (;😉 … { // infinite loop
out.print( " > " ); // Display a prompt
out.flush(); // Make it appear right away
line = in.readLine(); // Get the user’s input
if (line == null ) break ; // Quit if we get EOF.
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) try … {
// Use a StringTokenizer to parse the user’s command
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(line);
if ( ! t.hasMoreTokens()) continue ; // if input was empty
// Get first word of the input and convert to lower case
String command = t.nextToken().toLowerCase();
// Now compare to each of the possible commands, doing the
// appropriate thing for each command
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) if (command.equals( " password " )) … {
// Password command
String p = t.nextToken(); // Get the next word
lockStart.gif) ![](
rs/ContractedSubBlock.gif) if (p.equals( this .password)) … { // Is
it the password?
out.print( " OK " ); // Say so
authorized = true ; // Grant authorization
lockEnd.gif) }
publicclassTestRef { publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) { Strings=newString( "a" ); if (s == "a" ) System.out.println( " true1 " ); if (s.equals( "a" )) System.out.println( " true2 " ); Stringss="a" ; if (ss == "a" ) System.out.println( " true3 " ); if (ss.equals( "a" )) System.out.println( " true4 " ); } }